Program Information
Location: Downtown Milwaukee Campus
- Pathway: Creative Arts, Design & Media
- Program Code: 10-701-4
- Offering: In-class
- Degree Type: 2-Year Degree (Associate)
- Start Dates: August/January
About the Audio Production Degree
Combining creative and practical aspects of sound and music, this program prepares you to enter the audio engineering field. Coursework covers working with live and recorded sound to provide more employment options.
The explosion of social media and web use for independent artists, plus the increase in affordable digital audio workstations, present opportunities for audio engineers.
You can earn the Audio Engineer technical diploma on the way to completing this degree.
Additional program details: Class topics include live sound, such as concerts and church services, and also includes recording, studio engineering, field recording, production of beats, audio for gaming, sound for film, and sound for interactive applications such as animation, multimedia and web audio.
Important to your success are abilities to work as part of a team and be a self-starter, work under stress and meet deadlines.
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Career Outlook
Detailed Program Information
2024-25 Curriculum
Course | Course Name | Credits |
AUDIO-100 | Introduction to Audio Software ^ | 1 |
AUDIO-102 | Techniques of Sound Recording ‡ ^ | 3 |
AUDIO-103 | Recording Live Concerts ‡ ^ | 3 |
ENG-195 | Written Communication ‡ ^ (or) ENG-201 English 1 ‡ |
3 |
MUSIC-150 | Music Theory 1 | 4 |
MUSIC-189 | Voice Lab 1 ^ | 1 |
AUDIO-111 | Advanced Audio Software ‡ ^ | 1 |
AUDIO-114 | Critical Listening of Sound and Music | 2 |
AUDIO-116 | Advanced Techniques of Sound Recording ‡ | 3 |
AUDIO-117 | Sound Reinforcement ^ | 3 |
MATH-107 | College Mathematics ‡ (or) Any 200-level MATH course |
3 |
MUSIC-177 | Piano Lab 1 ^ | 1 |
PSYCH-199 | Psychology of Human Relations (or) Any 200-level PSYCH course |
3 |
AUDIO-118 | Studio Management and Design ‡ | 2 |
AUDIO-120 | Audio Production for Video Media | 3 |
AUDIO-125 | Advanced MIDI Recording ‡ | 1 |
ENG-196 | Oral/Interpersonal Communication ‡ (or) Any 200-level ENG or SPEECH course |
3 |
MUSIC-101 | Music Business | 2 |
SOCSCI-197 | Contemporary American Society (or) Any 200-level SOCSCI or HIST course |
3 |
AUDIO-126 | Electronics for Audio Engineers ‡ ^ | 2 |
AUDIO-127 | Mastering for Media ‡ | 3 |
AUDIO-128 | Final Project – Field Work ‡ | 3 |
ELECTIVES | (Four credits) Suggested elective: MUSIC-210 World Music Sound and Structure |
4 |
MKTG-118 | Social Media Marketing | 3 |
60 |
‡ Prerequisite required.
^ Counts toward earning the Audio Engineer technical diploma.
Program curriculum requirements are subject to change.
This Associate in Applied Science program will transfer to one or more four-year institutions.
Current MATC students should consult their Academic Program Plan for specific curriculum requirements.
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2024-2025 Program Flyer
Important Dates
Deadlines and important dates can be found on:
Cost & Aid Deadlines
Also, you can find dates and deadlines on the MATC Events Calendar
Program Outcomes
- Produce and edit audio recordings using professional software and equipment
- Apply studio management practices and standards
- Apply critical listening and post-production mastering skills to final audio mixes
- Demonstrate the process of live mixing by blending multiple sources of digital audio using a mixing console
- Set up and prepare audio equipment for proper sound reinforcement during performances
- Post-production mixing
- Apply principles of music fundamentals to professional sound recordings
Admission Requirements
- Demonstration of basic computer skills in the Mac OS
- Must have the ability to lift, bend, and move equipment
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Creative Arts, Design & Media Academic & Career Pathway